Ryke Geerd Hamer

Ryke Geerd Hamer (born 17 May 1935 in Mettmann), a former German physician, is the originator of Germanic New Medicine, also formerly known as German New Medicine and New Medicine, a system of pseudo-medicine that purports to be able to cure cancer.[1] The Swiss Cancer League described Hamer's approach as "dangerous, especially as it lulls the patients into a false sense of security, so that they are deprived of other effective treatments."[1]

Hamer held a licence to practice medicine from 1963 until 1986 when it was revoked for malpractice. Hamer's system came to public attention in 1995, when the parents of a child suffering from cancer refused medical treatment in favour of Hamer's methods. Hamer is charged and convicted in several European countries and is responsible for numerous deaths among his patients.

Hamer purports that his method is a "Germanic" alternative to mainstream clinical medicine which he claims is part of a Jewish conspiracy to decimate non-Jews.



Ryke Geerd Hamer was born in Mettmann in 1935. He received his high school diploma at age 18 and started medical and theological studies in Tübingen, where he met Sigrid Oldenburg, a medical student who later became his wife. At age 20, he passed the preliminary examination in medicine, married a year later, and completed his theological examinations at 22. He and his wife had two children. In April 1962 Hamer passed his medical state examination in Marburg and he was granted a professional license as a doctor of medicine in 1963. There followed a number of years at the University Clinics of Tübingen and Heidelberg, and in 1972, Hamer completed his specialization in internal medicine. He also worked in several practices with his wife, and he patented several inventions.[2]

Hamer's license to practice medicine was revoked in 1986 by a court judgment in Germany, which was reconfirmed in 2003. As he continued to treat patients, Hamer was investigated several times on allegations of malpractice and the death of patients.[3] He was jailed for 12 months in Germany from 1997 to 1998, and served a prison term from September 2004 to February 2006 in Fleury-Mérogis, France on counts of fraud and illegal practicing. He subsequently lived in voluntary exile in Spain until March 2007, where Spanish doctors hold him responsible for several tens of preventable deaths.[4] In 1997 he owned clinics in Germany, Belgium, Italy, Austria, and the Netherlands.[5] Later he apparently moved to Norway.[2][6]

Germanic New Medicine

On 8 August 1978, Hamer's son, Dirk, was shot while he slept on a yacht off Cavallo and died on 7 December 1978.[7] Sometime after Dirk's death, Hamer began to develop Germanic New Medicine (GNM), which can be summarized in its “five biological laws”:[2]

Therefore according to Hamer no real diseases exist and what established medicine calls a disease is in reality a "special meaningful program of nature" (sinnvolles biologisches Sonderprogramm) to which bacteria, viruses and fungi belong too. Hamer's GNM explains every disease and treatment with those biological laws, making traditional medicine in most cases obsolete in his view. The cure is always the resolving of the conflict. Some treatments like chemotherapy or pain relieving drugs like morphine are deadly according to Hamer.[8][9]

Olivia Pilhar case

Hamer was associated with the Olivia Pilhar cancer case in 1995. Olivia, then aged six, suffered from Wilms' tumor. Fearing the painful conventional therapy, the parents consulted Hamer. He diagnosed no cancer but instead several "conflicts". The parents refused conventional medical therapy for Olivia. The Austrian government finally removed their rights of care and control, and the parents fled from Austria to Spain with their daughter, where Hamer was present too. There they followed Hamer's instructions how to treat their child.

After negotiations including the intervention of the Austrian president, the parents were persuaded to return to Austria. By then, Olivia's health had deteriorated. The tumor had grown very large, weighing four kilograms, filling most of her abdominal cavity and was pressing against her lungs. The lack of treatment had dropped her probability of survival from 90 to 10%.[10] After a court ordered conventional cancer treatment with surgery, chemotherapy and radiation therapy was applied. The child recovered completely and was still alive in 2010.[11] Her parents received an eight-month suspended jail sentence in Austria.[12] Olivia's parents still support Hamer's method and have their own web site that explains the matter from their perspective.[6][13]

Jewish conspiracy theory

Hamer purports that his method is a "Germanic" alternative to mainstream clinical medicine which he claims is part of a Jewish conspiracy to decimate non-Jews. In this Hamer follows the antisemitic "Neue Deutsche Heilkunde" propagated in Nazi Germany. More precisely he asserts that chemotherapy and morphine are used to "mass murder" the western civilisation, while such treatment is not used in Israel where nearly no people die of cancer, according to him.[8][9][14] Hamer also believes that the denial of recognition of his theories and the revocation of his practitioner's licence is due to a Jewish conspiracy.[14] In 2008, Hamer presented a document where one "Chief Rabbi" "Esra" Iwan Götz confirms the existence of a conspiracy among Jewish oncologists to use the "torture" of chemotherapy on all non-Jewish patients, while Jewish patients were to receive the "correct" treatment of GNM. Iwan Götz is a German holocaust denialist active in the German Reich revivalism scene who has been repeatedly convicted by German courts on counts of holocaust denial,[15] fraud, defamation, misuse of academic titles (the title "Chief Rabbi" is not legally protected in Germany), falsification of documents among others.[16]

Response to medical views

The Swiss Cancer League of the Swiss Society for Oncology, Swiss Society for Medical Oncology and Swiss Institute for Applied Cancer Research say that no case of a cancer cure by Hamer has been published in the medical literature, nor any studies in specialised journals. Reports in his books "lack the additional data that are essential for medical assessment" and the presentations, of his investigations, at medical conferences "are scientifically unconvincing".[1]

Also the German Cancer Research Center,[17] the German Cancer Society,[18] the German Medical Association and German Consumer Councils[19] strongly disagree with Hamer.

Proponents of alternative cancer treaments also regard his theory sceptically and argue for supportive evidence and proofed patient cases.[20]

Hamer's habilitation thesis about the GNM at the University of Tübingen was rejected after multiple examinations by several members of the medical faculty, who came to the conclusion that his work lacks scientific methodics and reproducibility and his argumentation does not back up his theories.[21]

Hamer says that his system is verifiable and that the Trnava University and others have already confirmed some of his theories.[2] In fact the Trnava University has no real medical faculty and the documents which allegedly confirm his view are not available and registered at the university.[22][23] The Trnava University also rejected his habilitation thesis.[24]

The Hamer foci which Hamer sees in the brain CTs are identified by radiologists as common ring artifacts.[25][26][27]

The medical establishment in Germany and the European Union warns of the threat posed to patients by Hamer's therapies. If effective treatment is neglected, the applying of Hamer's theories is punishable in some countries as malpractice.[1]

Hamer accuses an international Jewish conspiracy of withholding his ideas from the world, which some consider to be anti-Semitic.[4]

Until today no documented case of a patient who got cured by Hamer's method is known, instead newspaper repeatedly report about victims of Hamer's practice throughout Europe.[5][28][29][30][31][32][33][34][35][36][37][38]



  1. ^ a b c d Swiss Study Group for Complementary and Alternative Methods in Cancer, SCAC (2001). "Hamer's 'New Medicine'" (PDF). Swiss Cancer League. http://assets.krebsliga.ch/downloads/01_02_hamer_e_neu.pdf. Retrieved 7 May 2011. 
  2. ^ a b c d Caroline Markolin. "German/Germanic New Medicine, Dr. Hamer's website" (in English, French and Spanish). http://www.germannewmedicine.ca. 
  3. ^ case file number 34 Js 85/86 – 34 Js 178/95 – 34 Js 221/96 Public Prosecution Service Cologne
  4. ^ a b Tor Bach, Kristin Grønli, and Erik Tunstad (May 2003). "Norway – Jewish-conspiracy nuts soar to new heights of lunacy". Searchlight. http://www.searchlightmagazine.com/index.php?link=template&story=26. Retrieved 7 May 2011. 
  5. ^ a b Nigel Glass. "German 'quack healer' arrested", The Lancet 7 Jun 1997. Vol. 349, Iss. 9066; pg. 1679
  6. ^ a b "GNM not just for Hebrews!" (in Spanish). http://www.free-news.org/index03_hebreos.htm. 
  7. ^ "A Short Biography". http://www.germannewmedicine.ca/documents/hamerbio.html. Retrieved 7 May 2011. 
  8. ^ a b "Dr.med.Mag.theol. Ryke Geerd Hamer – Germanische Neue Medizin – Dr. Hamer: DAS SPIEL IST AUS!". Dr-rykegeerdhamer.com. 11 February 2010. http://dr-rykegeerdhamer.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=362&Itemid=76. Retrieved 20 November 2011. 
  9. ^ a b "Dr.med.Mag.theol. Ryke Geerd Hamer – Germanische Neue Medizin – Dr. Hamer an die Staatsanwaltschaft München". Dr-rykegeerdhamer.com. 7 February 2010. http://dr-rykegeerdhamer.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=361&Itemid=76. Retrieved 20 November 2011. 
  10. ^ "Parents on trial for cancer treatment refusal". The Independent (London). 10 October 1996. http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/parents-on-trial-for-cancer-treatment-refusal-1357672.html. 
  11. ^ Windmann, Antje (17 February 2010). "So schön ist Krebs-Kind Olivia heute [So beautiful is Cancer Child Olivia today]" (in German). Bild. http://www.bild.de/news/vermischtes/geschichte/so-schoen-ist-sie-heute-5137142.bild.html. Retrieved 15 May 2011. 
  12. ^ "Opfer und Medienstar: Der Fall Olivia Pilhar [Victims and the Media Star: The case of Olivia Pilhar]" (in German). Die Presse. 16 January 2010. http://diepresse.com/home/panorama/oesterreich/533340/Opfer-und-Medienstar_Der-Fall-Olivia-Pilhar. Retrieved 15 May 2011. 
  13. ^ [1] (In German)
  14. ^ a b Germanisch gegen Krebs, TAZ 30 January 2006
  15. ^ received a suspended eight months' sentence for Volksverhetzung from an Anklam court in 2009. Acht Monate auf Bewährung für Leugnen des Holocaust (mirrored Nordkurier article of 27 January 2009)
  16. ^ Skandal um Holocaust-Leugnung in Anklam, indimedia.org, 19 January 2007.
  17. ^ Krebsinformationsdienst des Deutschen Krebsforschungszentrums Heidelberg über die „Therapie nach Hamer“ (PDF, Stand 2006)
  18. ^ Software cy:con, www.cy-con.de. "Deutsche Krebsgesellschaft e. V. – Statement about the „Germanischen Neuen Medizin“ (GNM)". Krebsgesellschaft.de. http://www.krebsgesellschaft.de/news_detail,,,16104.html. Retrieved 20 November 2011. 
  19. ^ "News in the Hamburger Morgenpost" (in (German)). Archiv.mopo.de. 8 February 2006. http://archiv.mopo.de/archiv/2006/20060208/hamburg/panorama/experten_warnen_vor_der_todes_sekte.html. Retrieved 20 November 2011. 
  20. ^ Ventegodt S, Andersen NJ, Merrick J: Rationality and irrationality in Ryke Geerd Hamer's system for holistic treatment of metastatic cancer. ScientificWorldJournal;5:93–102, Review. PMID 15702221, 28. Januar 2005
  21. ^ "ruling of a german court about this matter documented on Pilhars page". Web.archive.org. 21 June 2004. http://web.archive.org/web/20040621050547/http://pilhar.com/Hamer/Korrespo/1986/861217.htm. Retrieved 20 November 2011. 
  22. ^ Correspondence on Pilhars Page: http://web.archive.org/web/20060216141824/http://www.pilhar.com/Hamer/Korrespo/1999/990114.htm
  23. ^ The university has a faculty specialized only in social work and healthcare/nursing http://www.truni.sk/fakulty
  24. ^ Correspondence on Pilhars page: http://web.archive.org/web/20060216141839/http://www.pilhar.com/Hamer/Korrespo/1999/990208.htm
  25. ^ Statement of the German Radiologist Association/Deutschen Röntgengesellschaft – CT-Untersuchungen des Gehirns zur Detektion „Hamer'scher Herde" (Deutsche Röntgengesellschaft)
  26. ^ "Statement of the German Radiologist Association/Deutschen Röntgengesellschaft to Hamer's book "Vermächtnis einer Neuen Medizin (Bd. 1 und 2)", 22. Januar 2007". Promed-ev.de. 22 January 2007. http://www.promed-ev.de/modules/news/article.php?storyid=105. Retrieved 20 November 2011. 
  27. ^ "Statement by Prof. Maximilian Reiser, president of German radiologist association "Deutsche Röntgengesellschaft" January 22, 2007 (German)". Promed-ev.de. 22 January 2007. http://www.promed-ev.de/modules/news/article.php?storyid=105. Retrieved 20 November 2011. 
  28. ^ Victims of Germanic New Medicine at Esowatch
  29. ^ Kampf gegen die Stärksten, Der Spiegel 32/1995, S. 154–162.
  30. ^ [2]
  31. ^ "Krebstod einer Zwölfjährigen: Für Vertrauen in Wunderheiler droht Gefängnis – Nachrichten Panorama – WELT ONLINE" (in (German)). Die Welt. 29 March 2010. http://www.welt.de/vermischtes/article6973356/Fuer-Vertrauen-in-Wunderheiler-droht-Gefaengnis.html. Retrieved 20 November 2011. 
  32. ^ "DH.be – Morte à cause d'un marabout, sa fille témoigne!". Dhnet.be. http://www.dhnet.be/infos/societe/article/291166/morte-a-cause-d-un-marabout-sa-fille-temoigne.html. Retrieved 20 November 2011. 
  33. ^ "Le livre choc de Nathalie de Reuck – Seulomonde". Seulomonde.canalblog.com. 15 January 2010. http://seulomonde.canalblog.com/archives/2010/01/15/16210339.html. Retrieved 20 November 2011. 
  34. ^ "Nathalie de Reuck : « Des charlatans de la santé ont tué ma mère » – societe – Elle". Elle.fr. 13 January 2010. http://www.elle.fr/elle/Societe/News/Nathalie-de-Reuck-Des-charlatans-de-la-sante-ont-tue-ma-mere/%28gid%29/1119026. Retrieved 20 November 2011. 
  35. ^ "46-åring døde av kreft etter behandlingsnekt | TV 2 Nyhetene". Tv2nyhetene.no. http://www.tv2nyhetene.no/innenriks/helse/46aaring-doede-av-kreft-etter-behandlingsnekt-2691934.html. Retrieved 20 November 2011. 
  36. ^ "Beitrag Detail – Monika von Gunten 40 Tod der Zwillingsschwester". gesundheitstipp.ch. 16 November 2011. http://www.gesundheitstipp.ch/themen/beitrag/1013476/Monika_von_Gunten_40_Tod_der_Zwillingsschwester. Retrieved 20 November 2011. 
  37. ^ "Krebstod einer Zwölfjährigen: "Wunderheiler" versprach Hilfe – und Susanne starb doch – Nachrichten Bayern – Augsburger Allgemeine" (in (German)). Augsburger-allgemeine.de. http://www.augsburger-allgemeine.de/Home/Nachrichten/Bayern/Artikel,-An-der-Kreuzung-des-Lebens-_arid,2050249_regid,2_puid,2_pageid,4289.html. Retrieved 20 November 2011. 
  38. ^ "DER SPIEGEL 37/1997 – Ein gefährlicher Erlöser". Der Spiegel. http://www.spiegel.de/spiegel/print/d-8778097.html. Retrieved 20 November 2011. 

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